Contraindications of Infrared Sauna

Island Manual Osteopathic Therapies

Understanding the contraindications of infrared sauna use is essential to ensure one’s safety and well-being. Ignoring these contraindications can lead to adverse health effects. For instance, contraindications like cardiovascular issues, certain skin conditions, pregnancy, and medications that affect thermoregulation can increase the risk of overheating or exacerbate pre-existing health conditions. Acknowledging and adhering to these contraindications helps individuals avoid potential harm, ensuring that they can safely and effectively enjoy the benefits of infrared sauna therapy while safeguarding their health.

CONTRAINDICATION IS WHEN IT IS NOT SAFE TO USE INFRARED SAUNA- Always discuss this with your physician prior to usage.

*Pregnancy; A relatively safe temperature 39° (102.5) or 70° (158) if under 20 minutes or 33.4° (92.1) if under 45 minutes.

*Absolutely no alcohol usage

*Hypotension particularly in the elderly age. Note, if your blood pressure has been constantly and consistently low then it is not necessarily hypotension

*Recent myocardial infarction

*Unstable Angina Pectoris

*Severe Aortic Stenosis

-Altered/ Reduced sweat function Multiple Sclerosis Central Nervous System Tumor Diabetes with Neuropathy

*Medication- Ask your physician if the infrared sauna is safe when using any prescriptions.

*Heat increases stress on the cardiac system, increasing blood flow and the heart rate has the potential to increase by 30 beats per minute for each degree of increase of core temperature.

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