Osteopathic Therapy

Osteopathic Therapy is a type of manual therapy that promotes healing by focusing on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, and connective tissues all work together. Gentle movements are used by manual osteopathic practitioners to address issues with the spine, joints, muscles, organs, fascia, and fluids. It is the detection and reversal of mechanical and physiological shifts that occur over time

Osteopathic Therapy

Based on the results of the examination, a consultation is held to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient. Blood pressure checks, Mitchells testing, lymphatic and visceral evaluations, structural and myofascial evaluations, specific testing, and other procedures are common. M.O. therapies can help people with specific problems like headaches or elbow pain. They can also be used to detect dysfunction before it causes disease. Treatments may include Muscle Energy Techniques and Somatic exercise or massage therapy. Each client is responsible to check their insurance coverage if they wish to be compensated. We do accept over 20 different insurance providers to help ensure that you are covered under your insurance provider. Ask about our additional therapies to add on to your next treatment, free with any referrals, tell us who you referred!

Initial Visit- $180.00- 90 minutes

Follow up- $150.00- 90 minutes

Follow up- $110.00- 60 minutes 

GST Not Included

**Please contact your insurance company to see if you have coverage for manual osteopathic therapy or osteopathy. Instead of coverage for an osteopath who is also a physician. A key distinction is that an MOT does not diagnose or prescribe.